Friday, July 31, 2009

MaTi Itu PasTi...

Bile dgr berita kematian je....terutamanya kalau yang meninggal tu masih muda,mesti rasa sedih tu lain sikit.Selalu je rase kalau yang meninggal tu dah tua, Insya'Allah amalan baik die banyak compare ngan orang muda. Ye ker?..tah lah.Sbb salu orang muda tak ingat psl mati.seronok dengan dunia lagi..Orang yang berusia ni mesti selalu ingat mati,selalu beribadah. TAPI Sebenarnye MATI tu tak mengira usia.sampai masa akan dijemput jua.Jadi,sentiasalah mengingati mati dan meningkatkan amal ibadah kita...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009


Tadi de sorang customer tu sangat lah kesian. Saya Call die sebab die de tglkan number untuk dihubungi. Rupanya die tinggalkan number tu smalam. Die dah kol malam tadi around kol 11. Purse Hilang. so die soh block 'ATM' card nye.malangnya system down time tu and kad die hanya leh block kol 6 pagi:

Me :encik ingat lagi tak de bape balance dalam account ni?
cm: De dalam RM2000++...
Me :Erk...tapi encik,saya tgk sini de RM7++ je.Jap yer,saya cek transaction encik.Hmm..smlm kol 10.44 and 10.45 cik de kuarkan duit yer?
cm :Aduh...tuh bkn saya tu.taim tu sy nye dompet dah ilang dah (Suara dah slow sedih)
me : ye ker encik.ishh,cmne org tu bleh tau encik?encik de suspect sape2 keR?
cm: saya bubuh dalam purse.(lagi slow r suare die)
me: aduii...(saya pon same sedih)

tapi tak leh buat ape.saya rase sgt kesian ah kat die
tah lah

Saturday, July 4, 2009

CuStOMer NoT AlwaYs RiGhT !~

Story 1

(A card holder called and asked for his balance, payment and other credit card information.)
Me: “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Caller: “One more thing. Who’s going to bill me next month?”
Me: “I’m sorry?”
Caller: “Who’s going to charge my account next month?”
Me: “I’m sorry…we don’t have the ability to see the future…”
Caller: “Why not? You’re my credit card company. You should know where I’m going to spend my money.”
Me: “Um…well, once you figure out where you’re going to go, call us afterwards. We can tell you where you’ve been.”
Caller: “See? I told you, you guys know everything!” *click*

Story 2

Customer: “Your site won’t let me get through!”
Me: “I’m sorry to hear that. Could you tell me what part of the site you were having an issue with?”
Customer: “It keeps telling me that I have the wrong password. I have my password!”
(I look up her password and use it on the site to make sure itworks.)
Me: “I have tested your password and it appears to be working. Would you like me to send you an e-mail with a copy of your password?”
Customer: “NO! I have my password! It says it right here on the screen, and I typed it just like it says.”
Me: *slightly confused as to why the customer’s password would be displayed* “What password do you see on the screen?”
Customer: “cAsE sEnsitIve! I typed it the exact way that it says here! ‘Your password is cAsE sEnsitIve’!”

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